Lead On email

Lead On is the free CPAS leadership email, resourcing you and your ministry with a monthly bulletin direct to your inbox.
Each month, the Lead On email includes:
- Viewpoint from James Lawrence
- Feature article on a key leadership topic, from a series of guest writers.
- Reviews of books, podcasts and videos.
- Connect - resource recommendations
- Spotlight
‘Lead On is SUCH a helpful and encouraging email – thank you so much!’
Jenny Ingram, assistant curate in Wootton
Click on the relevant topic below and it will link you to a range of Lead On articles around that theme.
- Leading evangelism
- Developing young leaders
- Church planting
- Leading culture change
- Persevering as a leader
- Moving to a new role
- Leading in a team
- The inner life of the leader
- Core leadership skills
- Leading multiple churches (MPBs)
- Discerning direction
Sign up for Lead On