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For Leaders

Training events on a range of key topics, resources to help you grow, advice and support on all things leadership - all to help you move forward in the work God is calling you to.


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Lead On article by Tim Goodall. Build back better was a much used phrase through 2021. Tim Goodall, Pastor of Tile Kiln Church, reflects on what this might look like for Christian leaders.

Lead On article by Matt Hogg. Starting out as a church leader is never easy. Matt, CPAS Leadership Enabler, offers four more tools and learnings that have helped him lead. 

Creative ideas to inspire leaders in evangelism. Small shifts, big changes. Make evangelism a normal part of church life and see people come to faith in Christ.

Lead On article by Sarah Pix. There is a group that is growing faster than any other group in British society, who now represent over half the population of the UK, called the 'Nones'. Topic: Leading Evangelism

Recording and resources from Summer 2022 webinars for church leaders.

Recording and resources from Spring 20

Lead On article by Matt Hogg. Starting out as a church leader is never easy. A new place, new responsibilities, new opportunities and new challenges. Matt, CPAS Leadership Enabler, reflects on 11 years as a vicar and what he wished he had known at the start of his time. 

Lead On article by Mat Ineson. With many church leaders holding their breath waiting to see what happens this Christmas (will events be smaller or bigger than normal), Mat, CPAS Leadership Enabler, asks whether we should measure numbers or engagement this Christmas.

Lead On article by Ian Parkinson. This month Ian reflects on the changing nature of the clergy role to 'oversight ministry'. What does it mean? What does it involve? And is it a significant shift for clergy within the Church of England?

Lead On article by Ian Parkinson. Is focal ministry the answer to the leadership needs of the Church in the future, or an unhelpful distraction? Ian offers a historical perspective on a modern issue.