Give Now
Regular gifts are fantastic because they help us plan ahead, so we can be as effective as possible in enabling local church mission in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Set up a Standing Order to give monthly, quarterly or annually to CPAS.
Church giving
Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, by supporting our ministry together you can be part of something big! Your church can give one-off or regular gifts by contacting us. We also offer free materials to help you spread the word.
Leave a legacy
By leaving a gift to CPAS in your will, you will be helping many men, women and children come to faith in Jesus beyond your own lifetime. Help us to continue our essential kingdom ministry for generations to come.
We are committed to good stewardship of all that God entrusts to us through the generosity of individuals, churches and trusts. You can download our full Report and Accounts for 2021/22 for detailed information on our income and expenditure over the last financial year.