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Holidays for young people
CPAS run residentials for 8-18s. Packed full of activities with time to relax, they give young people of all faiths and none the chance to make friends, have fun and explore who Jesus is.
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Lead On article by Paul Peterson. How do we continue to be positive about growth in a situation where the stats identify ongoing decline? Paul, Associate Minister and Venture leader, advocates for positive leadership that begins with a belief in the 'product'.
Ventures and Falcons are holidays for 8-18s packed full of great activities and masses of fun while enjoying the opportunity to explore life with Jesus.
Residentials enabling pupils at Church of England primary schools to investigate the Christian faith and strengthen links with their supporting churches. School Ventures enhance children's RE experience and underscore the Christian distinctiveness of Church of England schools.
Lead On article by David Hart. Residential ministry has a significant role in today's culture of consumerism. Having previously led our Ventures and Falcons ministry, David is well-placed to comment on its role in evangelism and developing leaders.