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Over the next three years we are developing a range of resources and courses to help you lead your Fresh Expression, congregation or church in evangelism.


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Information about our upcoming free leadership webinars, and recordings from previous events. 

Recording and resources from Autumn 2022 webinars for church leaders.

Lead On article by Adrian Lock. In part 1 of a two-part series, Adrian, Teaching Fellow at Spurgeon's College, explores the importance of a solid core for our churches and ourselves to enable us not to get knocked off course as we lead with agility.

Recording and resources from Summer 2022 webinars for church leaders.

Building on our experience of running learning communities and leadership courses, we are running Leading Evangelism Learning Hubs for incumbents to attend with others involved in leadership.

A new online resource for church leaders, lay and ordained. Together with the Church of England Vision and Strategy Team and other partners, we have developed an online learning experience for all church leaders to help them lead well in evangelism.

Lead On article by Dave Male. There are roughly 1,000,000 regular adult worshippers in the Church of England churches each week. If just 2% became a little more confident in praying for those who aren’t yet followers of Jesus it could reverse the decline in the Church of England. 

Lead On article by John Coyne. Evangelism is at the heart of the Great Commission, to go make disciples of all nations. We therefore need to ensure it is an integral part of church life. John offers ways on how to do this. Topic: Leading Evangelism

Lead On article by Richard Moy. Spiral Dynamics may not be a social theory known to you, but the insights from this way of thinking about our world may impact the way we lead evangelism in our churches. Topic: Leading Evangelism

Lead On article by Dave Male. It's not uncommon for mission to get lost in the busyness of leadership. Sometimes it's caused by something as simple as the wrong definition of 'church'. Dave offers steps to keep evangelism central to the church.