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For Leaders

Training events on a range of key topics, resources to help you grow, advice and support on all things leadership - all to help you move forward in the work God is calling you to.


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Chairing an online PCC meeting? Packed full of ideas and tips on how to use Zoom well, and how to engage people, this guide will help you conduct great meetings.

Member of a PCC? This brief checklist guides you on how to prepare for, and engage well with, a Zoom PCC meeting. Take a look and share with others on your PCC.

Lead On article by Steve Brown. Faithfulness isn’t critical when a crisis erupts, because we usually jump in full of adrenaline. We instinctually do whatever it takes to survive during the initial period. However, faithfulness becomes critical when a crisis moment turns into a chronic reality.

Lead On article by Rob Merchant. Rob Merchant, Director of St Mellitus College Chelmsford and author of Broken by Fear Anchored in Hope, explores how we respond to the pressures of leading in this COVID-19 season, reflecting on Matthew 14 and his own experience of mental health challenges.

Lead On article by Adrian Beavis. Diversity is one of the keys to an effective team. If we just have people 'like us' it will be dull, lack creativity, and often be ineffective. Yet having diversity on a team is also a challenge, as we have to learn to work well with people who aren't like us.

A follow up to their initial resource, offering further guidance on some of the tools and opportunities available as we manage our online presence.

Bob Jackson believes we may be facing one of the most significant opportunities for the Church in the last 50 years, and guides us through how to engage with a new hybrid reality. Packed full of ideas and insights and a must read for you and your PCC/church leaders.

As many of us scrabbled to make sense of going online as churches, Bob Jackson and George Fisher conducted some initial research into what was working and why, and offer practical tips on how to go online well. See all COVID-19 response.

Lead On article by Kate Wharton. When something happens out of the blue which rocks the whole church and community, what do we do? How do we lead our church through such a time? 

Lead On article by Steve Brown. Despite humanity having the intelligence, vision and fortitude to reach outer space, there are some deep, deep problems here in the everyday on planet earth. Two simple, powerful prayers.