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CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

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Lead On article by John Coyne. When things don't seem to be moving anywhere it can be tempting to consider starting something else. John advises that first you should take a step back to assess the situation in which you are ministering.

Lead On article by Pam Macnaughton. In a multi-parish benefice there is a lot of pressure for clergy and lay leaders to be here, there and everywhere. Pam gives different methods of how to work effectively in these situations.

Lead On article by John Dunnett. Sometimes a toxic culture can be built without anyone realising it. Rather than a DIY to building your own, John explores these seven steps to help avoid the accidental creation of a toxic culture.

Lead On article by James Lawrence. Technology is wonderful. We have the ability to be constantly connected to others through our screens. But it can also be damaging. What are you doing to ensure your relationship with connectivity and screens is in a good place?

Lead On article by Charles Burgess. As Christians we are promised opposition. As leaders this is amplified. You only need to look at the apostles to see the truth of this. Charles offers advice for what to do in these situations. 

Lead On article by Pete Wynter and Helen Dunn. If you want to raise up leaders, then you need to make sure the environment is an effective space in order to do this. Pete and Helen consider three environmental 'must-haves'.

Lead On article by Ben Dyer. Being a young leader can be difficult. Ben draws on his own experience to provide four lessons that he has learnt along the way, as well as the things others have done that have helped or hindered.

Lead On article by Matthew Frost. Accountability has a mixed press. Some love it, others hate it. Matthew understands both positions, arguing that we need to redeem accountability by a clearer understanding of what it is, and having a better approach to using it to help develop leaders. 

Lead On article by Rob Bewley. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ Are we sure about that? Rob suggests that we may have misinterpreted this often-quoted verse in leadership circles. 

Lead On article by Graham Archer. Notices. They are a feature of church life. In fact, they are a feature of most gatherings of people, even if it is just that the exits are here, here and here. But how do we do give notices in a way that actually inspires, informs and impacts people?