The Big Give pledge 2024

Our Big Give appeal at Christmas enables us to reach thousands of children, young people, and adults with the good news of Jesus Christ. Churches need to reconnect with their communities, and thanks to our Big Give Christmas Challenge, CPAS will be there to help them. Artboard 1biggive_1.png

Thank you for your support of CPAS in this year’s Big Give campaign. The pledge stage of the Big Give Christmas Campaign is now open, we are aiming to raise £80,000 in pledges in this year’s matched giving campaign with a target for the whole campaign this year of £160,000. Please click here to make your pledge today.  

 We are truly grateful for all our supporters who enable us to carry out our essential ministry for CPAS, Ventures, Falcons and School Ventures.



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Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7