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How we help

CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

Browse everything in this section On article by Graham Archer. 'My people are too busy, I don't like to ask them to do things' seems to be commonly said in church settings. But is it their busyness...

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. This day will look at how we can make the most of every meeting, with practical insights into everything from the PCC to pastoral occasion, from a supervision to a gathering of the WI. Meetings matter because meetings are ministry. 

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. This day offers space for incumbents in multi-parish benefices to reflect and think theologically and practically about the leadership required for grouped churches to become truly missional in attitude and action. 

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. This is a day for those working with others in overall leadership, identifying some of the common issues for those in the second chair, exploring how to work with these tensions, and offering a forum to share concerns and struggles. 

A training topic CPAS offers for dioceses. For clergy considering a change of role, knowing how to tackle the various questions and decisions it involves can be difficult. This day offers insights and useful frameworks for those thinking through a move.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. There is always a lot to do. Jobs pile up, diaries get full, pressure increases. This day focuses on the practicalities of ordering a workflow, taking into account many different aspects - including the joys of filing!

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. With burnout an all-too-familiar risk for church leaders, this day introduces a range of observations and helpful models for dealing with pressure and building resilience amidst the demands of leadership. 

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Drawing others into leadership is a crucial area for the present and future ministry of any church – but how? The day looks at ways to identify, nurture and encourage new leaders and to work better with the people you already have in leadership roles.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Overseeing a process of change can be tricky and lead to all sorts of tensions and disagreements. The day covers how people respond to change, how to approach change, and how to handle resistance.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Many in church leadership know that shaping culture is what is required in their context, but shaping culture is perhaps the most difficult leadership challenge. This day explores how culture change can be achieved in a healthy and effective way.