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CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

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Lead On article by Ian Parkinson. Is focal ministry the answer to the leadership needs of the Church in the future, or an unhelpful distraction? Ian offers a historical perspective on a modern issue.

Recording and resources from Autumn 20

With many PCCs meeting online at this time we have produced two guides to help meetings go well. We know many of us are used to Zoom type meetings by now, but we actually find there is still a lot of poor practice and confusion on how to make the most of the technology.

Lead On article by Hilary Edgerton. Prisons aren't the place we may instinctively turn for lessons on leadership, but in this article Hilary Edgerton, Chaplain at HMP Buckley Hall, suggests there are lessons to learn.

Lead On article by John Valentine. If you asked a bunch of church plant leaders what was distinctive about leading in a church plant context, what would they say? John Valentine has done exactly that for our third article on leading a church plant.

Recording and resources from the fourth series of webinars for church leaders.

Lead On article by John Valentine. Who can lead a church plant? John explores some of the key characteristics of those who lead church plants. The answer may surprise you.

Lead On article by John Valentine. What is distinctive about leading in church planting? John explores three tensions that the church planter must navigate: the intersection between church and mission, between context and the leader's gifts, and between short and long term.

A free downloadable guide to help churches in vacancy navigate the process of appointing God's next leader for their parish. Everything from understanding the stages of the appointment process to creating a parish profile, appointing parish reps to advertising, shortlisting and interviews.

Lead On article by Sam Corley. At what point do you start to offer someone a leadership opportunity in their discipleship journey? Straightaway? After they reach a certain level of knowledge? Maturity? Sam suggests four things we can do to encourage people in their development as leaders.