Beginning Well Together

An online course for Patronage incumbents and a core group of leaders to explore foundational aspects of leadership.

Beginning Well Together course

The first year of a new incumbent's ministry is exciting. As a new team forms it is important that it begins well. Beginning Well Together is a new online course that will explore three distinct and related aspects of leadership we believe are foundational to making the most of the next phase of your journey with God: 

  • Leading well with others.
  • Shaping culture.
  • Discerning God’s direction.

We will share practical examples for action for each of these three areas including how to apply them to mission and evangelism.

The course is designed for a group of up to six leaders from your parish or benefice, including the incumbent. There are three interactive sessions lasting two hours each, containing both input and group work:

  • Session 1: Tuesday 13 September 2022 7.30-9.30pm (Leading Well with Others).
  • Session 2: Tuesday 22 November 2022 7.30-9.30pm (Shaping Culture).
  • Session 3: Tuesday 24 January 2023 7.30-9.30pm (Discerning God's Direction).

Cost: £135 per group. Closing date for bookings is 2 September.

Book a place on the course

To find out more, download the leaflet or book a 1:1 chat with Mat Ineson, CPAS Leadership Enabler.

Download the leafletArrange 1:1 chat