Growing Leaders Course (Download)

With over 10,000 people having gone through the course, Growing Leaders is a great way to develop emerging and existing leaders in your church. Combining teaching, mentoring and practical application, the Growing Leaders course focuses on the characteristics and skills of Christian leadership.
Growing Leaders is run over ten months with one session a month. There are three parts to the course, each one having a particular focus:
- Part 1: Firm foundations for Christian leadership
- Part 2: Key skills for Christian leadership
- Part 3: Keeping faithful in Christian leadership
Between sessions, participants meet with their mentors to help them integrate what they are learning into their life and leadership.
‘It’s uncomplicated and theologically sound. All the hard work is done for you and it transforms people from the inside out.’
Major Mandy White, Salvation Army Divisional Leader for Devon and Cornwall
What do you get?
- Introduction and leaders' notes.
- An introductory video to help prepare the leaders for each session.
- Handouts, PowerPoints and leaders' guides for all 10 sessions, plus an exploratory session. The handouts all come with photocopy permission for use in a local church
- Mentoring resources including material on the role of a mentor, a guide to selecting mentors, an introduction for mentors, and a monthly guide for mentors.