Growing Leaders – Youth (Download)

Thank you for your interest in the newly revised Growing Leaders Youth course.
Designed to use with 14-18s, Growing Leaders Youth explores leadership in all contexts through the wisdom and encouragement in 1 and 2 Timothy. The eight session course grows teens in Christ-like character over nine months, equipping them to lead in their schools, churches and communities.
Research shows that the teenage years are a key time to invest in people as leaders. This is not only to ensure strong, effective leadership in the future, but also to equip young people for the key role they can play right now.
Building on our popular Growing Leaders course, author Ruth Hassall provides all you need to develop 14-18s as young leaders through interactive teaching, mentoring and practical projects.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Youth leaders or church leaders to use with young people aged 14-18 who have a relationship with God and show leadership potential. A good guide for identifying suitable participants is to ask the following questions:
- Do they want to learn and grow?
- Do they want to serve others?
- Are they ready to be challenged?
- Do they already hold a leadership position or are they thinking about one?
- Are you thinking of inviting them into a leadership role?
The course is designed to work with any number of participants, but we suggest the ideal size is between eight and 24 young people.
Not sure if it's right for your church? Read our common obstacles to doing the course.
WHAT do you get?
The materials include everything you need to run an eight session course. This covers:
- Introduction and leaders' notes.
- Handouts, PowerPoints and leaders' guides for all eight sessions, plus an exploratory session.
- Mentoring resources, including material on the role of a mentor, a guide to selecting mentors, an introduction for mentors, useful questions and more.
- Project handouts (as part of the course, participants are asked to complete a spiritual check-up, interview a leader and write a thank you letter to a leader who has encouraged them).