Jobs in Ministry

Vacancies at CPAS patronage churches and beyond where we'd love to see Jesus-centred, mission-focused leaders appointed. We also offer resources and events for clergy moving roles.

London ,
| London | Closing date: 10 February
Full time permanent stipendiary Trinity Church Buxton is a conservative evangelical C of E church committed to proclaiming the orthodox Christian faith in our locality. We are seeking a new Minister to lead our staff team and volunteers...
Other patronage
Tollington Park ,
| London | Closing date: 19 February
St Mark’s is a charismatic evangelical church in North London, whose membership reflects the diverse, vibrant, multi-cultural area that God has placed us in. Excited by all that God has in store, we are looking for a Vicar who is guided by...
CPAS patronage
Godalming ,
| Guildford | Closing date: 03 March
Restricted to applicants for a post of first responsibility Godalming Minster is a fresh take on the ancient idea of a resource Christian community of care, teaching, nurture and worship which serves its area to grow disciples of Jesus...
Other patronage
South Warwickshire ,
| Coventry | Closing date: 07 March
Is God calling YOU to make a change? The Heart of England Benefice is a group of six parishes in a beautiful part of South Warwickshire, near Stratford-upon-Avon and just north of the Cotswolds. This post is one of four re-imagined roles...
CPAS patronage
Lye ,
| Worcester
Greater Dudley Deanery Diocese of Worcester We are a committed and caring Evangelical congregation in the heart of the West Midlands.  We long to be a vibrant Christian community – where all are welcome, engaged, released in their gifts...
CPAS patronage