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For Dioceses

Looking to invest in your clergy and lay leaders? We can help with CME, IME, learning communities, leadership programmes and more.


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Looking for more information about what we can offer dioceses to help with the developing of missional leaders? A downloadable leaflet with information about our leadership programmes, learning communities, short courses and training days.

A short course CPAS offers to dioceses. If churches are to be about Christ’s mission and ministry in the world there will always be aspects of church life that can be developed. But how? How do we discern what God wants us to focus on? And how do we ensure something actually happens?

A short course CPAS offers to dioceses. This course explores how today's leaders can bring their church to a place of appropriate and effective evangelism.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Following the success of our PCC Tonight resource, we are now offering dioceses a day of training for clergy leading PCCs which will cover a range of topics.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Expressing vulnerability in a leadership role can be a challenge to get right, seemingly walking a tightrope between sharing too little or too much. This day explores the importance of being vulnerable and shares insights into doing it well as a leader. 

A short course CPAS offers to dioceses. Theologically, leadership in the New Testament is plural – it reflects the nature of the body. This short course equips clergy and lay leaders to lead well together.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Leadership is about going somewhere, and for those in Christian leadership it is about going God’s way. This day explores the importance of vision, how we can discern God's direction and the role of clergy in facilitating the development of vision.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Research tells us that 60-70% of vision statements or Mission Action Plans are never put into action. How can a church turn vision into action and make change happen? What are the pitfalls to avoid on the way? What if you aren’t a ‘detail’ person?

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Leadership is often messy. Those we oversee or lead with can hold very different views and expectations, and it’s impossible to please everyone. This day will explore what we mean by courage and why leading courageously matters.

A training topic CPAS offers to dioceses. Leaders are first called to be disciples, yet the reality is that many struggle to maintain a vibrant spiritual life. This is a day to encourage leaders in the joys and challenges of their spiritual lives.