ALP18 Residential 1

ALP18 Residential 1

Participants Timetable

ALP18 Residential 1 - PDF Resource File (Right click and save the file.) Download this file to access additional materials from this residential's sessions.







Post Residential

Leadership Matters

These are the two videos to watch introducing the material on Strengths, Gaps, Limitations, Weaknesses and Flaws:

  1. Personal Development Part 1: Strengths.
  2. Personal Development Part 2: Gaps, Limitations, Weaknesses and Flaws.

360 Degree Leadership: Preaching to Transform Congregations, Michael Quicke (Baker Books). Here is the book on leadership and preaching I mentioned. Sadly it looks as though it might be out of print, but a Kindle and second hand copies are available. 
The following two videos explore adaptive (agile) leadership and sit alongside the notes in your resource file based on Tob Bolsinger's book Canoeing the Mountains.

Leading from Strengths Case Studies


Peer Groups

Strengths-Based Leadership: Additional Handout 5 - Gallup 20 Leadership Talents